The European Minor Fruit Tree Species Database - EC Project GENRES29 |
1 - EMFTSD number: | 9016 |
2 - Species: | PISTACIA VERA L. |
3 - Accession designation: | BIANCA VACCARO |
4 - Accession synonym: |
5 - Donor name: | ICA - PA (IT) |
6 - Acquisition date: | 00/00/90 |
7 - Collecting institute number: | 9 |
8 - Country keeping the accession: | IT |
9 - Collection site: | A3 |
10 - Country of origin: | IT |
11 - Collection source: | 5 |
12 - Status of sample: | 4 |
13 - Virus disease status: | 3 |
14 - Fruit use: | 2 |
15 - Plant use: | 2 |
16 - Identification of material: | 1 |
17 - Collector's notes: |
18 - Full bloom: | 3 |
19 - Flowering time: | 28/04 |
20 - Number of leaflets per leaf: | 5 |
21 - Leaf length: | 185 |
22 - Leaf rachis colour: | 2 |
23 - Apical leaflet width: | 84 |
24 - Basal angle in terminal leaflet: |
25 - Apical angle in teminal leaflet: |
26 - Inflorescence bud weight: | 184,3 |
27 - Maximun diameter at insertion point |
of inflorescence bud: | 0,75 |
28 - Inflorescence rachis length: | 64 |
29 - Tendency to alternate bearing: |
30 - Yield efficiency: |
31 - One year-old wood colour: | 3 |
32 - Wood lenticels density: | 14 |
33 - Wood lenticels shape: | 2 |
34 - Hull colour: | 3 |
35 - Hull colour homogeneity: | 1 |
36 - Hull lenticells density: |
37 - In-shell nut fresh weight: | 1,09 |
38 - Nut shape: | 2 |
39 - In-shell nut length: | 21,2 |
40 - In-shell nut diameter: | 10,6 |
41 - In-shell nut width: | 12,1 |
42 - Percentage of split nuts: | 40 |
43 - Percentage of empty nuts: | 4 |
44 - Kernel percentage: | 49,5 |
45 - Kernel colour: | 3 |
46 - Tendency to early splitting nuts: | 2 |
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