The European Minor Fruit Tree Species Database - EC Project GENRES29

1 - EMFTSD number:5003

2 - Species:OPUNTIA SPP

3 - Accession designation:XA4

4 - Accession synonym:DRACONA

5 - Donor name:SPOTI (GR)

6 - Acquisition date:10/09/96

7 - Collecting institute number:5

8 - Country keeping the accession:GR

9 - Collection site:1

10 - Country of origin:GR

11 - Collection source:1

12 - Status of sample:3

13 - End use:1

14 - Identification of material:3

15 - Plant status:9

16 - Collector's notes:

17 - Plant size:2

18 - Plant shape:1

19 - Plant habit:3

20 - Plant vigour:4

21 - Fruit yield:5

22 - Cladodes - shape:3

23 - Cladodes - colour: 4

24 - Cladodes - spines:3

25 - Cladodes - spine shape:1

26 - Cladodes - glochydes:3

27 - Flowering time:3

28 - Flowering time (2nd bloom):

29 - Petal colour:1

30 - Fruit - shape:3

31 - Fruit - size:2

32 - Fruit - recepticular scar position:3

33 - Fruit - peel colour:11

34 - Fruit - glochydes:3

35 - Fruit - pulp colour:6

36 - Fruit - pulp firmness:2

37 - Fruit - seed number:3

38 - Fruit ripening date:30/10

39 - Fruit taste:4

40 - Plant resistance to low temperatures:9

41 - Fruit resistance to handling:9

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