The European Minor Fruit Tree Species Database - EC Project GENRES29
1 - EMFTSD number:8027
3 - Accession designation:BA1
4 - Accession synonym:BORDE DE ALBATERA 1
5 - Donor name:JOSÉ CANTÓ (ES)
6 - Acquisition date:14/05/95
7 - Collecting institute number:8
8 - Country keeping the accession:ES
9 - Collection site:1
10 - Country of origin:ES
11 - Collection source:1
12 - Status of sample:5
13 - Virus disease status:3
14 - Fruit use:1
15 - Plant use:3
16 - Identification of material:3
17 - Collector's notes:5 IN COLL-SOUR = CULTIVATED
18 - Thorniness:4
19 - Tree vigour:3
20 - Suckering tendence:4
21 - Number of buds by node:1
22 - Leaf length:63,18
23 - Leaf blade length:58,61
24 - Leaf blade width:22,45
25 - Flowering:2: 31/03; 30/07
26 - Bearing habit:2
27 - Hermaphrodite flower percentage:88
28 - Diameter of flower:16,25
29 - Flower length:34,7
30 - Average productivity:2
31 - Yielding in alternate year:2

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