The European Minor Fruit Tree Species Database - EC Project GENRES29

1 - EMFTSD number:4023


3 - Accession designation:KAGAYAMAE

20 - Crown density:5

21 - Trunk colour:3

22 - Trunk aspect:5

23 - Branch colour:3

24 - Branch aspect:4

25 - Internode:2

26 - Phyllotaxy:7

27 - Leaf - mean length:4

28 - Leaf - mean width:7

29 - Leaf - shape:1

30 - Leaf - middle 2

31 - Leaf aspect:

32 - Leaf texture:

33 - Leaf - basal angle:

34 - Leaf - apical angle:

35 - Leaf - dents:4

36 - Leaf surface:

37 - Shape of leaf surface:

38 - Colour:2

39 - Nervature - number:

40 - Protruding nervature underneath leaf:

41 - Nervature - shape:

42 - Parallel nervature:

43 - Equal distance between nervature:

44 - Nervature angles:

45 - Tertiary nervature:

46 - Fruit size:7

47 - Fruit length:

48 - Fruit diameter:

49 - Fruit colour:4

50 - Fruit taste:7

51 - Time of commercial harvest:3

52 - Mean weight of the fruit:

53 - Number of fruits/meter:

54 - Mean weight of fruits/meter:

55 - Tree productivity:7

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