BOTANICAL SPECIES: Zizyphus vulgaris L.


HABITAT. Jujube has been introduced in the Mediterranean basin from China and Central Asia since a long time. The plant grow in different kinds of soils and is resistant to draught because of its deep root system; anyway it prefers deep and non acid soils. It lives in temperate areas with long and hot summers. The tree can be damaged by early frost in Autumn, therefore in cold areas it can be cultivated in zones with warm microclimatic conditions.

TREE. The tree is quite small, reaching 4-6 meters of height, twisted, with irregular and thorny shoots (each node bring a couple of thorns); the bar is wrinkled, reddish-brown. The tree grows slowly and also the first fruit set occurs after some year of planting. In order to speed up the fruit-set, an incision can be done on the trunk.

LEAVES. Jujube is a deciduous plant, with small alternate and ovate leaves. They are bright and coriaceous, with thorny stipules and corrugated blade.

FLOWERS. Flowers are small, greenish, carried from 2 to 9 by bud cones conical cluster at the leave axils in the year twigs; the flowering time is long, from June to August..

FRUITS. Jujubes are small stone fruits like an olive; the skin is narrow and turn into brown at ripening time; at that phase, the fruit has a consistence like a date. The flesh is white, floury, with a neuter or slightly acid taste. The sugar content in fresh fruits is about 25%, while it is 60% in dried fruits.

CULTIVARS. In the Mediterranean countries there are no selected cultivars, but genotypes generically indicated as "with round fruit" or "with oblong fruits". They are very productive, with valuable taste characteristics, often self-incompatible and with limited stigma receptivity.

USES. Jujube tree is ornamental because of it irregular habit and foliage. Fruits are eaten soon after harvest or over-ripened. Fruits can be used for marmalades.